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International Journal of Materials Science

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International Journal of Materials Science. 2019; 1: (1) 4; DOI:10.12208/j.ijms.20190004 .

Experimental study on physical and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube cement-based composites

作者: 李建峰 *


*通讯作者: 李建峰,单位:沈阳工业大学机械工程学院;

引用本文: 李建峰 碳纳米管水泥基复合材料物理力学性能试验研究[J]. 国际材料科学通报, 2019; 1: (1) : 11-13.
Published: 2019/6/28 6:37:32



关键词: 水泥基;复合材料;力学性能


The advantages of cement concrete materials are economical, simple construction, strong durability, wide source, etc., but the corresponding determination is that the toughness is not strong, easy to crack, etc., and these shortcomings also hinder and limit its development. The carbon nanotube itself has strong toughness and strength, and its mechanical properties are also prominent, which can improve the cement base. This paper starts from carbon nanotubes and explores and analyzes the effective mechanism of strengthening the physical and mechanical properties of cement-based composites.

Key words: cement based; composite; mechanical properties

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