Modern Social Science Research
Modern Social Science Research. 2025; 5: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20250061 .
总浏览量: 181
文华学院 湖北武汉
*通讯作者: 刘晶,单位:文华学院 湖北武汉;
The rapid development of information technology in the 21st century has brought challenges and opportunities to the teaching of undergraduate writing courses. Concepts and technologies such as intelligent AI, smart classrooms, and online learning spaces are gradually changing the teaching development direction and methods of writing courses. This means that the teaching of undergraduate writing courses cannot just stay at the level of imparting writing methods, but should be guided by the "intelligent" teaching concept, reform content and methods, and adopt appropriate AI technology to guide students to develop a sustainable writing thinking while mastering writing knowledge and methods. Taking the "New Media Writing" course as an example, this paper starts from teaching practice, organizes and reflects on the experience gained over the years, and analyzes the concept, system and method summary of its "intelligent" teaching model.
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