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Modern Social Science Research. 2025; 5: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20250064 .

The waves rose and the tears of sorrow——The innovative interpretation of the new Han drama “Lady City”

作者: 王芳1 *, 杨莉2

1 文华学院人文社会科学学部,湖北省非遗研究中心 湖北武汉

2 文华学院人文社会科学学部新闻系 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 王芳,单位: 文华学院人文社会科学学部,湖北省非遗研究中心 湖北武汉;

引用本文: 王芳, 杨莉 浪花的激越与眼泪的悲哀——新编汉剧《夫人城》的创新演绎[J]. 现代社会科学研究, 2025; 5: (2) : 75-78.
Published: 2025/2/28 10:13:52



关键词: 汉剧;《夫人城》;三国戏;王荔


For more than a year since the launch of the large-scale historical Han drama "Lady City", it has been performed continuously and well received. The directing team focuses on innovation in the aspects of narrative and stage performance: on the one hand, break the drama of the hero of Sun Shangxiang, the hero and the hero, to explore the complexity of humanity and the fate of the drama, highlight the color of the regional features, and strengthen the folk style in the form of opera. All these aspects reflect the aesthetic pursuit of bold innovation on the basis of respecting the tradition.

Key words: Han Opera; "Lady City"; The Three Kingdoms drama; Wang Li

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