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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250052 .

The value of implementing targeted nursing for patients with schizophrenia and hypertension

作者: 甘小红 *

苍溪县精神卫生中心 四川广元

*通讯作者: 甘小红,单位:苍溪县精神卫生中心 四川广元;

引用本文: 甘小红 精神分裂症合并高血压患者实施针对性护理的价值[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2025; 7: (1) : 181-183.
Published: 2025/1/27 17:27:32


目的 明确精神分裂症合并高血压患者实施针对性护理的价值。方法 研究纳入2023年9月-2024年9月中综合临床各项检查结果满足精神分裂症合并高血压诊断标准的68例患者,以随机分配法安排为两组,对照组与观察组分别33、35例患者,对照组行常规护理干预,观察组行针对性护理干预,对不同干预效果进行比较分析。结果 观察组睡眠质量与日常生活能力各数据值更佳,P值结果<0.05,统计学差异大。观察组心理健康各数据值更低,P值结果<0.05,统计学差异大。结论 于精神分裂症合并高血压患者中施以针对性护理措施,有利于改善患者睡眠质量与心理健康状态,促进日常生活能力恢复。

关键词: 精神分裂症;高血压;针对性护理


Objective To clarify the value of targeted nursing for patients with schizophrenia and hypertension.
Methods A total of 68 patients whose comprehensive clinical examination results met the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia and hypertension from September 2023 to mid-September 2024 were included in the study. They were randomly divided into two groups, with 33 and 35 patients in the control group and the observation group, respectively. The control group received routine nursing intervention, and the observation group received targeted nursing intervention. The effects of different interventions were compared and analyzed.
Results The data valuesof sleep quality and daily living ability in the observation group were better, with P value results <0.05, and the statistical difference was large. The data values of mental health in the observation group were lower, with P value results <0.05, and the statistical difference was large.
Conclusion   Targeted nursing measures for patients with schizophrenia and hypertension are conducive to improving patients' sleep quality and mental health, and promoting the recovery of daily living ability.

Key words: Schizophrenia; Hypertension; Targeted nursing

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