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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250045 .

Application of improved pipeline pre flushing method in improving dialysis efficiency and nursing satisfaction of maintenance hemodialysis patients

作者: 蔡建 *

鹤山市中医院 广东鹤山

*通讯作者: 蔡建,单位:鹤山市中医院 广东鹤山;

引用本文: 蔡建 改良管路预冲方法对提高维持性血液透析患者透析效率及护理满意度的应用[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2025; 7: (1) : 157-159.
Published: 2025/1/27 17:02:04


目的 分析改良管路预冲方法对提高维持性血液透析患者透析效率及护理满意度的应用效果。方法选取2023年4月至2024年4月在我院收治的56例维持性血液透析治疗患者为研究对象,按照单双数分组法分为对照组和观察组,各28例,对照组接受常规预冲方法,观察组接受适当调节相关管路夹的改良管路预冲方法。对比两组的透析效率及护理满意度。结果 相较于对照组,观察组的预冲所需时间及穿刺点压迫时间均更短(P<0.05),回血液体量更少(P<0.05),透析依从性更优(P<0.05),护理满意度更高(P<0.05)。结论 改良管路预冲方法在临床中具有较高应用价值,值得推广。

关键词: 改良管路预冲;维持性血液透析;透析效率;护理满意度


Objective To analyze the application effect of improving the pipeline pre flushing method on enhancing the dialysis efficiency and nursing satisfaction of maintenance hemodialysis patients.
Methods 56 maintenance hemodialysis patients admitted to our hospital from April 2023 to April 2024 were selected as the research subjects. They were divided into a control group and an observation group according to the odd even number grouping method, with 28 cases in each group. The control group received conventional pre flushing method, while the observation group received modified pre flushing method with appropriate adjustment of relevant pipeline clamps. Compare the dialysis efficiency and nursing satisfaction between the two groups.
Results Compared with the control group, the observation group had shorter pre flushing time and puncture point compression time (P<0.05), lower blood return volume (P<0.05), better dialysis compliance (P<0.05), and higher nursing satisfaction (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The improved pipeline pre flushing method has high clinical application value and is worth promoting.

Key words: Improving pipeline pre flushing; Maintenance hemodialysis; Dialysis efficiency; Nursing satisfaction

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