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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250041 .

Discussion and effect evaluation of stratified training of nurses in disinfection supply center

作者: 陈晓青 *

江苏省中医院 江苏南京

*通讯作者: 陈晓青,单位:江苏省中医院 江苏南京;

引用本文: 陈晓青 消毒供应中心护士分层培训探讨及效果评价[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2025; 7: (1) : 140-143.
Published: 2025/1/27 16:47:02


目的 探究消毒供应中心护士培训中分层培训法的应用效果。方法 选择本医院消毒供应中心的工作人员进行研究,共计24名护士,年龄25~50岁,正式编制13人、合同制11人。本院于2022年4月起开展分层培训,分析培训效果,并统计护士对该培训法的满意度。结果 经统计,护士培训依从性为95.00%。培训后护士CD-RICS量表中的乐观、坚韧、自强评分均高于培训前(P<0.05)。培训后护士团队协作能力中的协调能力、沟通能力、责任心、专科理论知识得分均高于培训前(P<0.05)。培训后护士器械管理中功能质量检查、清洗质量检查、操作流程合规性、保养规范性得分均高于培训前(P<0.05)。护士培训满意度得分中,积极性为(95.85±3.06)分、教学质量为(96.02±2.88)分、培训安排为(94.17±4.02)分、培训评估与反馈得分为(95.14±3.46)分。结论 消毒供应中心护士培训中,分层培训法应用效果显著,可提升护士培训依从性,提高其团队协作能力以及工作能力,还可改善其心理弹性,利于职业发展,且护士对该培训法的满意度更高,值得推广。

关键词: 消毒供应中心;护士;分层培训;依从性;心理弹性;团队协作;器械管理;满意度


Objective To explore the application effect of stratified training in disinfection supply center.
Methods The staff of the disinfection supply center of the hospital was selected for the study, including 24 nurses, aged 25 to 50 years old, 13 formal staff and 11 contract system. Since April 2022, the hospital has carried out stratified training to analyze the training effect and count the satisfaction of nurses with the training method.
Results According to the statistics, the compliance of nurse training was 95.00%. The optimism, tenacity and improvement scores in the CD-RICS scale after training were higher than those before training (P <0.05). After the training, the scores of coordination, communication, responsibility and specialized theoretical knowledge of the nurses teamwork ability were higher than before the training (P <0.05). The scores of functional quality inspection, cleaning quality inspection, operation process compliance and maintenance standardization in nurse device management were all higher than those before training (P <0.05). In the training satisfaction score of nurses, motivation was (95.85±3.06), teaching quality (96.02±2.88), training arrangement (94.17±4.02), and training evaluation and feedback score (95.14±3.46).
Conclusion   In the training of nurses in disinfection supply center, the application of stratified training method has remarkable effect, which can improve the training compliance of nurses, improve their teamwork ability and working ability, and improve their psychological flexibility, which is conducive to career development and nurses. The satisfaction of the training method is higher, and it is worth pushing forward.

Key words: Disinfection supply center; Nurse; Stratified training; Compliance; Psychological resilience; Teamwork; Device management; Satisfaction

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