International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250036 .
总浏览量: 150
安徽省淮南市淮南朝阳医院 安徽淮南
*通讯作者: 刘燕,单位:安徽省淮南市淮南朝阳医院 安徽淮南;
目的 探讨鸟巢式护理联合抚触在剖宫产新生儿中的实际成效。方法 选择52例剖宫产新生儿,随机分为参考组与实验组,各26例。参考组在剖宫产新生儿常规护理基础上实施鸟巢式护理,实验组实施鸟巢式护理联合抚触技术。对比两组排便频率、胎粪转黄所需时间、睡眠时长、分娩后42天身高和体重,剖宫产产妇的焦虑评分。结果 相较于参考组,实验组在排便频率、胎粪转黄时间及睡眠时长方面均显著更优(P<0.05);实验组分娩后42天生长发育指标也显著更优(P<0.05);实验组产妇的焦虑评分显著更低(P<0.05)。结论 鸟巢式护理与抚触相结合的方法在剖宫产新生儿护理中展现出明显优势,值得深入推广与实践。
Objective To explore the actual effect of bird's nest care combined with touch in cesarean section newborns. Methods A total of 52 cesarean section newborns were selected and randomly divided into a reference group and an experimental group, 26 cases in each group. The reference group implemented bird's nest care on the basis of routine care for cesarean section newborns, and the experimental group implemented bird's nest care combined with touch technology. The two groups were compared in terms of defecation frequency, time required for meconium to turn yellow, sleep duration, height and weight 42 days after delivery, and anxiety scores of cesarean section mothers. Results Compared with the reference group, the experimental group was significantly better in terms of defecation frequency, time required for meconium to turn yellow, and sleep duration (P<0.05); the growth and development indicators 42 days after delivery in the experimental group were also significantly better (P<0.05); the anxiety scores of the experimental group mothers were significantly lower (P<0.05). Conclusion The method of combining bird's nest care and touch shows obvious advantages in the care of newborns born by cesarean section, which is worthy of in-depth promotion and practice.
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