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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250035 .

Value analysis of applying health belief model combined with psychological nursing in nursing activities for patients with alcohol dependence syndrome and hypertension

作者: 李阿根 *, 田磊, 季康

周口市第六人民医院 河南周口

*通讯作者: 李阿根,单位:周口市第六人民医院 河南周口;

引用本文: 李阿根, 田磊, 季康 酒精依赖综合征伴高血压患者的护理活动中应用健康信念模式结合心理护理的价值分析[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2025; 7: (1) : 122-124.
Published: 2025/1/25 15:01:05


目的 分析健康信念模式结合心理护理对酒精依赖综合征伴高血压患者的护理活动的应用价值。方法 选取我院2023年7月至2024年1月收治的58例酒精依赖综合征伴高血压患者作为观察对象,随机分为对照组(29例)和观察组(29例),对照组给予常规护理,观察组给予健康信念模式结合心理护理。对比两组患者心理状态、血压水平、治疗依从性。结果 护理后,观察组心理状态优于对照组,血压水平更低,治疗依从性更高,其差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 健康信念模式结合心理护理在酒精依赖综合征伴高血压患者的护理中具有重要的应用价值,可提高患者的治疗依从性,改善心理状态,有效控制血压。

关键词: 健康信念模式;心理护理;酒精依赖综合征;高血压


Objective To analyze the application value of the health belief model combined with psychological nursing in the nursing activities of patients with alcohol dependence syndrome and hypertension.
Methods A total of 58 patients with alcohol dependence syndrome and hypertension admitted to our hospital from July 2023 to January 2024 were selected as the observation subjects and randomly divided into a control group (29 cases) and an observation group (29 cases). The control group was given routine nursing, and the observation group was given the health belief model combined with psychological nursing. The psychological state, blood pressure level, and treatment compliance of the two groups of patients were compared.
Results After nursing, the psychological state of the observation group was better than that of the control group, the blood pressure level was lower, and the treatment compliance was higher. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The health belief model combined with psychological nursing has important application value in the nursing of patients with alcohol dependence syndrome and hypertension, which can improve patients' treatment compliance, improve psychological state, and effectively control blood pressure.

Key words: Health belief model; Psychological nursing; Alcohol dependence syndrome; Hypertension

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