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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250022 .

Family emergency treatment and follow-up nursing strategy of children with hypothermia scald

作者: 熊金花, 陈丽君 *

上海市儿童医院 上海

*通讯作者: 陈丽君,单位:上海市儿童医院 上海;

引用本文: 熊金花, 陈丽君 儿童低温烫伤的家庭应急处理与后续护理策略[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2025; 7: (1) : 79-81.
Published: 2025/1/25 10:40:52


目的 探究儿童低温烫伤的家庭应急处理与后续护理策略。方法 选取2022年8月至2024年8月收治的低温烫伤患儿60例展开,患儿家长均在指导下行家庭应急处理,对照组行常规护理,观察组行优质后续护理。统计两组患儿经处理后发生皮肤损伤(局部瘢痕形成、色素沉着或减退)、感觉异常(疼痛/瘙痒、温度/触觉感觉减退)、感染的占比;采取NRS(疼痛数字评分法Numerical Rating Scale (pain measurement)对比患儿入门诊时、护理后、离院时的疼痛指数;统计两组患儿家长满意度。结果 观察组发生烫伤不良问题的占比为13.33%,对照组为33.33%,观察组烫伤影响偏低。观察组患儿护理后的疼痛指数偏低。观察组患儿家长满意度偏高(P<0.05)。结论 儿童低温烫伤的家庭应急处理后,需结合患儿的情况,施行后续优质化护理,有助于降低烫伤影响,遏制痛感,获得家长认可。

关键词: 儿童低温烫伤;家庭应急处理;后续护理


Objective To explore the family emergency treatment and follow-up care strategies for children with low-temperature burns.
Methods A total of 60 children with low-temperature burns admitted from August 2022 to August 2024 were selected. The parents of the children were guided to perform family emergency treatment. The control group received routine care, and the observation group received high-quality follow-up care. The percentage of children in the two groups who developed skin damage (local scar formation, pigmentation or hypopigmentation), paresthesia (pain/itching, temperature/tactile sensation loss), and infection after treatment was counted; the pain index of the children at admission, after care, and at discharge was compared by NRS (Numerical Rating Scale (pain measurement); the satisfaction of parents of the two groups was counted.
Results The percentage of adverse scald problems in the observation group was 13.33%, and that in the control group was 33.33%. The scald impact in the observation group was relatively low. The pain index of the children in the observation group after care was relatively low. The satisfaction of parents of the children in the observation group was relatively high (P<0.05).
Conclusion   After the family emergency treatment of low-temperature scalds in children, it is necessary to implement follow-up quality care in combination with the children's conditions, which is helpful to reduce the impact of scalds, curb pain, and gain parental recognition.

Key words: Low-temperature scalds in children; Family emergency treatment; Follow-up care

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