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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250029 .

Clinical intervention effect and effect evaluation of modified early warning score in patients with cerebral hemorrhage

作者: 肖笑, 柳旭 *, 刘欣, 樊永帅, 贾琳

青岛市黄岛区人民医院 山东青岛

*通讯作者: 柳旭,单位:青岛市黄岛区人民医院 山东青岛;

引用本文: 肖笑, 柳旭, 刘欣, 樊永帅, 贾琳 改良早期预警评分在脑出血患者的临床干预作用及效果评价[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2025; 7: (1) : 101-105.
Published: 2025/1/25 11:43:51


目的 文章探讨了改良早期预警评分在脑出血患者的临床干预作用,对最终的护理效果进行了全面的评价。方法 文章选取2023年4月-2024年4月期间,本院收治的80例脑出血患者为案例研究对象,采用随机数字法分组,每组40例,对照组接受常规诊断和治疗方法,观察组在接受常规诊断和治疗方法基础上引入改良早期预警评分。比较两组治疗有效率、脑出血并发症率和死亡率及住院时间对比,同时分析,观察组MEWS干预前、干预后、MEWS评分与脑出血量情况进行对比分析。结果 相比于对照组,观察组治疗总有效率更好,分别为82.5%、50%,具有显著统计学差异性意义,(P<0.05),见表1。相比于对照组,观察组并发症率、死亡率更低,具有显著统计学差异性意义,(P<0.05)。相比于对照组,观察组住院时间更短,具有显著统计学差异性意义,(P<0.05),见表2。相比于干预前,干预后MEWS评分更低,具有显著统计学差异性意义,(P<0.05),见表3。观察组患者干预后MEWS评分分值更低,脑出血量更少,χ2=-12.91 P值=0.001,存在显著统计学差异性意义,(P<0.05),见图表1。结论 MEWS评分,在脑出血患者诊断中具有较高应用价值,在医学临床中值得广泛推广应用。

关键词: 改良早期预警评分;脑出血;价值探讨


Objective This article explores the clinical intervention effect of modified early warning score in patients with cerebral hemorrhage and comprehensively evaluates the final nursing effect.
Methods This article selected 80 patients with cerebral hemorrhage admitted to our hospital from April 2023 to April 2024 as case study subjects. The random number method was used to divide them into groups, with 40 cases in each group. The control group received conventional diagnosis and treatment methods, and the observation group introduced the modified early warning score on the basis of conventional diagnosis and treatment methods. The two groups were compared in terms of treatment effectiveness, complication rate and mortality rate of cerebral hemorrhage, and hospitalization time. At the same time, the MEWS score before and after intervention in the observation group was compared with the amount of cerebral hemorrhage.
Results Compared with the control group, the total effective rate of the observation group was better, which was 82.5% and 50%, respectively, with significant statistical significance (P < 0.05), as shown in Table 2.1. Compared with the control group, the complication rate and mortality rate of the observation group were lower, with significant statistical significance (P < 0.05). Compared with the control group, the hospitalization time of the observation group was shorter, with significant statistical significance (P < 0.05), see Table 2.3. Compared with before intervention, the MEWS score was lower after intervention, with significant statistical significance (P < 0.05), see Table 2.3. After intervention, the MEWS score of the observation group was lower and the amount of cerebral hemorrhage was less, χ2 = -12.91 P value = 0.001, with significant statistical significance (P < 0.05), see Figure 1.1.
Conclusion   MEWS score has a high application value in the diagnosis of patients with cerebral hemorrhage and deserves wide promotion and application in medical clinics.

Key words: Improved early warning score; Cerebral hemorrhage; Value discussion

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