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Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing

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Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2025; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jacn.20250005 .

Practical application of bedside settlement in hospital management

作者: 黄丽琴 *

上海市普陀区人民医院 上海

*通讯作者: 黄丽琴,单位:上海市普陀区人民医院 上海;

引用本文: 黄丽琴 床旁结算在医院管理中的实践应用[J]. 临床护理进展, 2025; 4: (1) : 14-16.
Published: 2025/1/28 15:12:56


目的 信息助力用数据“跑路”代替患者“跑腿”,减少出院患者往返病区与出院结算中心,在护士站完成出院结算,提升患者满意度。方法 建立多部门协同的工作机制,建立职能MDT团队,信息中心将出院结算系统植入护士工作站,护士接到出院医嘱后整理、确认医嘱,由财务中心核算审核患者住院期间的医疗费用,护士在护士站完成出院患者住院费用结算。结果 床旁结算就是将结算窗口服务移至护士站,优化出院流程,节约了患者出院、转院时间,改善患者体验。结论 床旁结算作为一种创新的医院管理实践,有效提升了医疗服务质量和患者满意度。

关键词: 床旁结算;医院管理;患者体验;流程优化


Objective The purpose of information assistance is to use data "running" instead of patients "running errands", reduce the need for discharged patients to travel between the ward and the discharge settlement center, complete discharge settlement at the nurse station, and improve patient satisfaction.
Methods Establish a collaborative working mechanism among multiple departments, establish a functional MDT team, and implant the discharge settlement system into the nurse workstation in the information center. Nurses receive discharge orders and organize and confirm them, and the financial center calculates and reviews the medical expenses of patients during hospitalization. Nurses complete the settlement of hospitalization expenses for discharged patients at the nurse station.
Results Bedside settlement is to move the settlement window service to the nurse station, optimize the discharge process, save patients' discharge and transfer time, and improve patient experience.
Conclusion   Bedside settlement, as an innovative hospital management practice, effectively improves the quality of medical services and patient satisfaction.

Key words: Bedside settlement; Hospital management; Patient experience; Process optimization

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