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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250017 .

Analysis of training needs for improving the ability of maternal and child health service personnel

作者: 陈浩, 陈继华 *

如皋市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心 江苏如皋

*通讯作者: 陈继华,单位:如皋市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心 江苏如皋;

引用本文: 陈浩, 陈继华 妇幼健康服务人员能力提升培训需求分析[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2025; 7: (1) : 59-66.
Published: 2025/1/24 14:12:44


目的 了解如皋市妇幼健康服务人员能力提升需求状况并分析其影响因素,探索更加有效的培训方式和更有针对性的培训内容,推动妇幼健康服务能力提升培训高效开展。方法 采用自行设计的妇幼健康服务人员能力提升培训需求调查问卷对如皋市548名妇幼健康服务人员进行问卷调查,采用采用χ²检验、Fisher确切概率法、帕累托图进行统计分析,探讨妇幼健康服务人员能力提升培训的影响因素。结果 1.帕累托图分析结果显示,专业知识与技能培训内容、沟通能力、政策法规、信息管理需求为培训内容的主要因素;线下培训、线上培训、录播课、现场操作需求为培训方式的主要因素。2.单因素分析结果显示,培训内容需求上,学历在专业知识与技能需求,性别、年龄、职称在政策法规需求,性别在信息管理需求,年龄、专业学历在科研创新需求的差异具有统计学意义,均P<0.05。培训方式需求上,机构级别、学历、从业年限在线上培训需求,年龄、从业年限、职称在现场操作培训需求的差异具有统计学意义,均P<0.05。结论 建立更加灵活的妇幼健康服务人员能力提升培训模式,通过分层培训、线上+线下,同时对不同层次培训人员设计针对性的培训内容,让每一位妇幼健康服务人员得到精准培训,全面提升服务能力、专业技能、信息化水平,确保为妇女儿童提供高效、规范、持续的优质服务。

关键词: 妇幼保健;能力提升;培训模式;影响因素


Objective Understand the demand for enhancing the capabilities of maternal and child health service personnel in Rugao City and analyze its influencing factors, explore more effective training methods and more targeted training content, and promote the efficient implementation of training for enhancing maternal and child health service capabilities.
Methods A self-designed questionnaire on the training needs of women and children's health service personnel was used to survey 548 women and children's health service personnel in Rugao City. Statistical analysis was conducted using chi square test, Fisher's exact probability method, and Pareto chart to explore the influencing factors of training for women and children's health service personnel to enhance their abilities.
Results The Pareto chart analysis results show that professional knowledge and skills training content, communication skills, policies and regulations, and information management needs are the main factors affecting training content; The main factors for training methods are offline training, online training, recorded courses, and on-site operational needs. 2. The results of the univariate analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences in the demand for training content, with educational background in the demand for professional knowledge and skills, gender, age, and professional title in the demand for policies and regulations, gender in the demand for information management, and age and professional education in the demand for scientific research and innovation, all with P<0.05. In terms of training method requirements, there are statistically significant differences in online training needs based on institutional level, educational background, and years of experience, as well as on-site operational training needs based on age, years of experience, and professional title, all with P<0.05.
Conclusion   Establish more flexible training for improving the ability of maternal and child health service personnel. Through hierarchical training online + offline, design targeted training content for trainers at different levels at the same time, so that every maternal and child health service personnel can receive accurate training, comprehensively improve service ability, professional skills and informationization level, and ensure the provision of efficient and standardized quality services for women and children.

Key words: Maternity and child care; Ability improvement; Training mode; Influencing factor

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