Modern Social Science Research
Modern Social Science Research. 2025; 5: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20250059 .
总浏览量: 386
河南农业大学马克思主义学院 河南郑州
*通讯作者: 张倩,单位:河南农业大学马克思主义学院 河南郑州;
Agrarian civilization is not only an important stage in human history, but also an important cornerstone of modern social development. This paper excavates the value implication of Chinese farming civilization and integrates it into the ideological and political teaching of agriculture and forestry colleges and universities, giving full play to the important role of Chinese farming civilization in cultivating agricultural and forestry talents in the new era, and further puts forward specific teaching strategies and methods. Through the combination of history and reality, it aims to enhance students' cultural confidence and sense of professional mission.
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