Modern Social Science Research
Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20240046 .
总浏览量: 262
上海理工大学 上海
*通讯作者: 何宗霖,单位:上海理工大学 上海;
Foucault's theory of power knowledge states that knowledge and power are interdependent, and that the production of knowledge is not only a process of truth discovery, but also implies the operational logic of power. In the field of traditional medicine, doctors rely on their professional knowledge and occupy an important position in medical practice through technical discipline and discourse domination. With the development of modern medicine, patients' demand for participation in health has increased, and the doctor-patient relationship has been influenced by multiple factors such as the medical knowledge system, hospitals and the media, and has gradually developed in a more interactive direction. The subject of power has duality, and the construction of a harmonious doctor-patient relationship requires breaking the unidirectional power structure, optimizing the communication and information sharing mechanism between doctors and patients, enhancing the responsibility of patients' self-management, promoting the transformation from disease-centered to patient-centered relationship, and realizing the equal cooperation between doctors and patients.
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