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International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20240113 .

Research on the construction model and practice of industry colleges in vocational colleges under the background of new productive forces

作者: 朱海云 *, 罗灵芝

宁夏工商职业技术学院 宁夏银川

*通讯作者: 朱海云,单位:宁夏工商职业技术学院 宁夏银川;

引用本文: 朱海云, 罗灵芝 新质生产力背景下高职院校产业学院建设路径及实践研究[J]. 国际教育学, 2024; 6: (4) : 234-238.
Published: 2024/12/29 20:22:36



关键词: 新质生产力;高职院校;产业学院;建设路径


The industrial college is an important path and platform for deepening the integration of industry and education, and strengthening school-enterprise cooperation. Therefore vocational colleges are vigorously promoting the construction of industrial colleges to promote the effective connection of the talent chain, education chain, innovation chain, and industrial chain. This paperates on the connotation and characteristics of new-quality productive forces and the main features of industrial colleges, and explores the new requirements for the construction of industrial colleges in colleges. Combining the practice of industrial college construction at Ningxia Industry and Commerce Vocational and Technical College, it proposes an innovative construction model driven by new productive forces and strategies for the construction of industrial colleges in vocational colleges. The aim is to provide new ideas and methods for the construction of industrial colleges in vocational colleges to promote the deep integration of vocational education with new-quality productive forces, and to cultivate high-quality technical and skilled talents that meet the demands of the new era.

Key words: New-quality productive forces; Vocational colleges; Industrial colleges; Construction path

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