International Journal of Education
International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20240106 .
总浏览量: 235
宁波大学科学技术学院 浙江宁波
*通讯作者: 朱烨丹,单位:宁波大学科学技术学院 浙江宁波;
As society continues to evolve and transform, the goals of education have shifted from merely imparting knowledge to increasingly focusing on cultivating students' comprehensive qualities and lifelong learning abilities. Japan's concept of "career education," as a vital component of its educational system, provides students with a smooth transition from education to career, helping them to understand themselves, plan for the future, and enhance their employability. Traditional educational models are no longer sufficient to meet the changing demands of society, especially in terms of career transitions and lifelong learning. Therefore, Chinese universities urgently need to expand their social functions and construct a new educational system centered on lifelong education. This paper will explore the connotations and practical experiences of Japan's "career education," and in conjunction with the current state of higher education in China, propose corresponding insights and suggestions for improvement, aiming to provide a reference for the further development of higher education in China. At the same time, it analyzes the current situation of Chinese universities in expanding their social functions, discusses the necessity of building a lifelong education system, and proposes specific pathways and strategies to promote the transformation and development of higher education in China.
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