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International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20240103 .

Research overview on exam anxiety

作者: 辛国钰 *

吉林体育学院 吉林长春

*通讯作者: 辛国钰,单位:吉林体育学院 吉林长春;

引用本文: 辛国钰 关于考试焦虑的研究综述[J]. 国际教育学, 2024; 6: (4) : 186-190.
Published: 2024/12/28 20:50:46



关键词: 考试焦虑;影响因素;干预方法


Exam anxiety as a negative emotion, will not only have a negative impact on students' academic performance, but also have a negative impact on students' physical and mental health. This article takes exam anxiety as the starting point, and summaries the influencing factors and treatment methods of exam anxiety, in order to provide a certain reference for Chinese scholars in the study of exam anxiety.

Key words: Exam anxiety; Influential factors; Intervention method

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