International Journal of Education
International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20240099 .
总浏览量: 57
陇东学院文学与历史文化学院 甘肃庆阳
*通讯作者: 吕红红,单位:陇东学院文学与历史文化学院 甘肃庆阳;
中国本土翻译理论“走出去”有助于阐释中国学术话语权,破除西方学术话语中心主义,丰富世界译学理论体系,也能凸显本土翻译理论地位,实现中西学术思想的对话,向世界展示中国学术理论魅力。目前,有关中国本土翻译理论的论文和专著国际发表占有量较小,本土翻译理论国外关注度和接受度不高,本土理论“走出去”传播不理想,究其原因:集中表现为我国学者缺乏国际传播意识,国际学术活动参与度低,与国外学者交流沟通少,理论传播受限于英文书写能力,传播手段欠佳等方面。鉴于此,为积极推动中国本土翻译理论“走出去”,提升中国学术在国际上的话语权,加强与国外学者有效沟通,本文提出从增强我国学者的国际传播意识,加强理论改写,提高英语书写水平,探索多维度中西学术对话方式四个方面来实现中国本土翻译理论国际化之路, 让世界更好地了解学术中的中国理论和其背后的哲学文化思想。
As a part of Chinese academic system, Chinese native translation theory has undoubtedly played a vital role in the realization of Chinese academic “going abroad” which can not only establish Chinese academic power of discourse internationally, break the centralism of Western academic discourse, but also show the charm of Chinese academic theories to the world. Chinese native translation theory “going abroad” is a reflection of self-value, but also realizes the dialogue between Chinese and Western academic thoughts to enrich the theoretical system of translation studies in the world. However, the proportion of international papers and monographs on Chinese native translation theories published on the whole is relatively small, the acceptance of translation theories abroad is not high, and the dissemination of Chinese native translation theories is unsatisfactory. The reasons are mainly reflected in the lack of Chinese scholars’ own international communication awareness, limited English writing ability, and poor means of effective communication. In view of this, in order to promote Chinese native translation theory to “go abroad” and enhance discourse power of Chinese academics, the article proposes to realize the internationalization of Chinese native translation theory from four aspects: enhancing the international communication awareness of Chinese scholars, strengthening theoretical rewriting, improving English writing skills, and diversifying overseas communication methods.
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