International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (11) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240420 .
总浏览量: 202
遵义市红花岗区人民医院 贵州遵义
*通讯作者: 田小印,单位:遵义市红花岗区人民医院 贵州遵义;
目的 分析助产护理对高龄产妇自然分娩率的影响。方法 研究对象为58例高龄产妇,取自本院2023年1月-2024年1月。通过随机数字表法将上述高龄产妇分为两组,即为参考组和实验组,其中前者行常规护理,后者在上述基础上采取助产护理,每组29例。滴对比两组护理效果。结果 实验组自然分娩高于参考组(P<0.05)。实验组产后并发症低于参考组(P<0.05)。结论 助产护理对高龄产妇自然分娩率具有积极的影响,可提高自然分娩率,同时可减少产后并发症发生率,此种方法值得推广。
Objective To analyze the impact of midwifery nursing on the natural delivery rate of elderly parturients. Method The research subjects were 58 elderly parturients, taken from our hospital from January 2023 to January 2024. The elderly parturients mentioned above were divided into two groups using a random number table method, namely the reference group and the experimental group. The former received routine care, while the latter received midwifery care on the basis of the above, with 29 cases in each group. Compare the nursing effects of two groups. Results The natural delivery rate in the experimental group was higher than that in the reference group (P<0.05). The incidence of postpartum complications in the experimental group was lower than that in the reference group (P<0.05). Conclusion Midwifery nursing has a positive impact on the natural delivery rate of elderly mothers, which can improve the natural delivery rate and reduce the incidence of postpartum complications. This method is worth promoting.
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