International Journal of Clinical Research
International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (12) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240551 .
总浏览量: 287
香河县人民医院 河北廊坊
*通讯作者: 李宏达,单位:香河县人民医院 河北廊坊;
目的 观察呼吸康复训练疗法改善慢阻肺患者肺功能的疗效。方法 选取2023年1月-2024年1月,我院呼吸科收治的100例慢阻肺患者为研究对象,分为对照组和研究组(以数字化形式分组,各纳入50例),对照组使用常规的慢阻肺治疗方案,而研究组在常规治疗基础上增加呼吸肺康复训练疗法,采集治疗后两组患者肺功能数据(FEV1、FVC、PEF、FEV1/FVC)。对比训练前后两组患者峰值二氧化碳呼出量、呼气末氧分压指数,并评估呼吸康复训练疗法的有效率。结果 训练前两组肺功能指数无明显差异,不做对比统计P>0.05。训练后,研究组FEV1、FVC、FEV1/FV、PEF指数均偏高,P<0.05。训练前两组心肺运动功能指标无明显差异,训练后两组指标均有上升,研究组指标偏高P<0.05。研究组治疗有效率为48/50,96%,对照组治疗有效率为42/50,84%,P<0.05。结论 呼吸康复训练疗法可明显改善慢阻肺患者的肺功能,有助于患者呼吸功能储备恢复,可提升慢阻肺治疗效率。
Objective To observe the curative effect of respiratory rehabilitation training therapy on improving lung function in COPD patients. Methods selected in January 2023-January 2024,100 COPD patients were admitted to the respiratory department, divided into control group and study group (in digital form, each included 50 cases), the control group using conventional COPD treatment, and the study group on respiratory pulmonary rehabilitation training therapy, collected after treatment of lung function data (FEV 1, FVC, PEV, FEV 1 / FVC). Compared peak carbon dioxide output and expiratory oxygen partial pressure index before and after training, and evaluate the effective rate of respiratory rehabilitation training therapy. Results There was no significant difference in the two groups before training, and P> 0.05 was excluded. After training, the study group FEV 1, FVC, FEV 1 / FV, and PEF index were all high, P <0.05. There was no significant difference in the cardiopulmonary exercise function index of the two groups before training, while the two groups increased after training, and the study group index was high P <0.05. The response rate in the study group was 48 / 50,96%, and that in the control group was 42 / 50,84%, P <0.05. Conclusion Respiratory rehabilitation training therapy can significantly improve the lung function of COPD patients, help the recovery of respiratory function reserve, and improve the efficiency of COPD treatment.
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