International Journal of Clinical Research
International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (12) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240524 .
总浏览量: 535
桂林市第三人民医院 广西桂林
*通讯作者: 赵艳兰,单位:桂林市第三人民医院 广西桂林;
At this stage, the epidemic situation of tuberculosis has decreased, but there is still a significant gap between it and the goal of "Stop tuberculosis strategy" formulated by the World Health Organization, so it is particularly critical to develop and implement efficient short-term treatment methods. The purpose of this paper is to study the progress of short-term treatment for tuberculosis, evaluate the effect of current treatment methods, and hope to provide a strong reference and basis for further improvement of short-term treatment methods for tuberculosis in the future. In recent years, with the continuous penetration and innovation of new technologies in the field of tuberculosis, new short-range chemotherapy drugs continue to emerge, making short-range treatment of tuberculosis enter a new era. Overall, short-term treatment can significantly reduce the risk of tuberculosis recurrence, shorten the course of treatment, and improve clinical outcomes. Although facing many challenges, through the research and development of new drugs, optimization of drug dosage and more accurate patient evaluation, the short-term treatment of tuberculosis is expected to achieve significant progress in the next few years.
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