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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2025; 7: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20250016 .

Application progress of question prompt lists in surgical patients

作者: 刘毅, 皮湘郢, 高祖梅, 王静 *, 孙茜

长江大学附属第一医院 湖北荆州

*通讯作者: 王静,单位:长江大学附属第一医院 湖北荆州;

引用本文: 刘毅, 皮湘郢, 高祖梅, 王静, 孙茜 问题提示清单在外科手术患者中应用进展[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2025; 7: (1) : 53-58.
Published: 2025/1/24 11:50:03


本文深入探讨并归纳了国内外临床医护工作人员在医疗实践中使用清单的进程,以及在这一过程中遇到的问题和挑战。同时,文章详细阐述了问题提示清单(Question-prompt list, QPL)的应用现状,包括其在临床环境中的普及程度和医护人员对其的接受情况。此外,本文还重点分析了QPL在推动患者参与共同决策过程中的作用和效果,探讨了它如何帮助患者更好地表达自己的疑问和关切,以及如何通过这种方式增强医患之间的沟通效率。文章认为,QPL不仅有助于提升患者参与度,还能够促进医护人员对患者需求的了解,从而提高整体的医疗服务质量。此外,QPL的使用还带来了经济效益,因为它有助于减少不必要的医疗程序和缩短住院时间。最后,本文对QPL在未来医疗实践中的应用前景进行了展望,提出了可能的发展方向和改进措施。

关键词: 问题提示清单;围手术期;护理;共同决策;患者参与


This article deeply explores and summarizes the process of clinical medical staff using checklists in medical practice at home and abroad, as well as the problems and challenges encountered in this process. At the same time, this article elaborates on the current application status of question-prompt lists (QPLs), including its popularity in clinical settings and its acceptance by medical staff. In addition, this article also focuses on the role and effect of QPLs in promoting patient participation in shared decision-making, exploring how it helps patients better express their questions and concerns, and how to enhance the efficiency of communication between doctors and patients in this way. The article believes that QPLs not only help to improve patient participation, but also promote medical staff's understanding of patient needs, thereby improving the overall quality of medical services. In addition, the use of QPLs also brings economic benefits because it helps to reduce unnecessary medical procedures and shorten hospital stays. Finally, this article looks forward to the application prospects of QPLs in future medical practice and proposes possible development directions and improvement measures.

Key words: Question prompt list; Perioperative period; Nursing; Shared decision-making; Patient participation

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