Scientific Development Research
Scientific Development Research . 2024; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20240011 .
总浏览量: 288
湖北汽车工业学院 湖北十堰
*通讯作者: 毕云,单位:湖北汽车工业学院 湖北十堰;
面对人口老龄化趋势增强所带来的挑战,老年群体正遭受着孤独感和社会隔绝问题的困扰,这对他们的心理生理健康及整体生活品质造成了不利影响。在此背景下,智能陪伴作为一种新兴模式应运而生,它依托于人工智能技术,旨在为老年人群提供全方位的社会互动、情感慰藉及认知刺激。本文选取 ChatGPT为案例,深入讨论了智能陪伴在应对老年社会需求中的创新应用潜力与实践路径。ChatGPT作为一种基于深度神经网络架构的自然语言处理模型,能够依据特定情境生成连贯且富有意义的文本内容。本研究首先阐述了 ChatGPT的基本原理及其独特属性,随后探讨了该技术在老年服务领域中的应用前景与实际价值,通过对 ChatGPT在该领域的实施效果及用户反响的细致分析,进一步揭示了其面临的挑战与局限性。本文旨在为智能化辅助在老年人照护及陪伴研究领域的深入发展提供理论借鉴与实践指导。
Facing the challenges posed by an increasing aging population, elderly individuals are grappling with feelings of loneliness and social isolation, which adversely affect their mental health and overall quality of life. In this context, intelligent companionship has emerged as a new model, leveraging artificial intelligence technology to provide comprehensive social interaction, emotional support, and cognitive stimulation for older adults. This paper uses ChatGPT as a case study to explore the innovative application potential and practical pathways of intelligent companionship in addressing the social needs of the elderly.ChatGPT, as a natural language processing model based on deep neural network architecture, is capable of generating coherent and meaningful text based on specific contexts. This study first outlines the fundamental principles and unique attributes of ChatGPT, and then discusses its application prospects and practical value in the field of elderly services. Through a detailed analysis of the implementation effects and user feedback related to ChatGPT in this area, the study further reveals the challenges and limitations it faces. The paper aims to provide theoretical insights and practical guidance for the advancement of intelligent assistance in elderly care and companionship research.
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