Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (10) ; 10.12208/j.jacn.20240401 .
总浏览量: 180
上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 上海
*通讯作者: 李莉,单位:上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 上海;
目的 探究构建宫颈癌患者支持性照护方案,并分析初步应用效果。方法 组建研究小组,通过文献分析制定宫颈癌支持性照护的初步方案,并结合现状调查及质性分析对方案进行补充,再通过专家评议确定最终方案。应用随机抽样法选取2023年9月至2024年9月期间本院诊治的92例宫颈癌患者,通过计算机系统分成2组,参照组开展常规干预;实验组执行支持性照护方案干预。对比两组患者心理状态、并发症以及生活质量等情况。结果 实验组焦虑评分、抑郁评分均较参照组明显偏低(P<0.05)。实验组并发症的总发生率为2.17%较参照组的19.57%明显偏低(P<0.05)。实验组干预后各项生活质量评分较参照组明显偏高(P<0.05)。结论 宫颈癌患者支持性照护方案的构建及应用,可有效改善患者身心健康状况,降低相关并发症的风险,有利于其生活质量的提升。
Objective To explore the construction of supportive care program for cervical cancer patients and analyze the initial application effects. Methods A research team was formed, and an initial supportive care program for cervical cancer patients was formulated through literature analysis. The program was supplemented by a survey of the current situation and qualitative analysis, and finally determined by expert review. A random sampling method was used to select 92 cervical cancer patients treated in our hospital from September 2023 to September 2024, and divided into two groups by computer system. The control group received conventional interventions, and the experimental group received supportive care interventions. The psychological state, complications, and quality of life of the two groups of patients were compared. Results The anxiety score and depression score of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group (P < 0.05). The total incidence rate of complications in the experimental group was 2.17%, which was significantly lower than that of the control group (19.57%, P < 0.05). The quality of life scores after intervention in the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion The construction and application of supportive care program for cervical cancer patients can effectively improve their physical and mental health status, reduce the risk of related complications, and promote the improvement of their quality of life.
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