Climate Change and Meteorology
Climate Change and Meteorology. 2024; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ccm.20240002 .
总浏览量: 322
华北理工大学 河北唐山
*通讯作者: Qiyang Shan,单位:华北理工大学 河北唐山;
钢铁行业是全球温室气体排放的重要来源之一,碳减排已成为钢铁企业面临的重要挑战。为实现碳减排目标,许多国家和地区都建立了碳排放交易市场,通过碳排放权交易机制引导企业减少碳排放。在这些交易市场中,碳排放权价格是重要的影响因素,直接影响到减排成本和企业的经济效益。 但目前对钢铁行业碳排放权交易价格的研究还比较有限,钢铁行业高能耗、高碳排放的特殊性使得碳排放权交易价格的形成机制和影响因素不同于其他行业,因此深入研究钢铁行业碳排放权交易价格的影响因素及交易机制,对于指导钢铁企业的减排决策和政府的政策制定具有重要意义。
The iron and steel industry is one of the important sources of global greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon emission reduction has become an important challenge for iron and steel enterprises. In order to realize the carbon emission reduction target, many countries and regions have established carbon emission trading markets to guide enterprises to reduce carbon emissions through the carbon emission right trading mechanism. In these trading markets, the price of carbon emission rights is an important influencing factor, which directly affects the emission reduction cost and the economic benefits of enterprises. However, current research on the trading price of iron and steel carbon emission rights is still relatively limited. The special nature of the iron and steel industry, such as high energy consumption and high carbon emission, makes the formation mechanism and influencing factors of carbon emission right trading price different from other industries. Therefore, an in-depth study of the influencing factors and trading mechanism of steel carbon emission right trading price is of great significance in guiding emission reduction decisions of steel enterprises and the policy formulation of the government.
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