International Journal of Education
International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20241008 .
总浏览量: 255
福建信息职业技术学院 福建福州
*通讯作者: 孙裕,单位:福建信息职业技术学院 福建福州;
Ideological and political education classes are key courses for fulfilling the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and are the main channel for soul-nurturing. Due to its strong theoretical nature, ideological and political education classes are prone to the situation where the speaker is earnest but the listener is indifferent. If some elements, methods, and content from interdisciplinary natural science courses can be used in the teaching of ideological and political education classes in universities, it will effectively improve the teaching effect and enhance the quality of teaching. University ideological and political education teachers should broaden their knowledge horizons and acquire certain knowledge of natural sciences, and apply it in the teaching of ideological and political education classes. This paper starts from the connotation and significance of using knowledge from natural science courses in ideological and political education classes, and explores the application of knowledge from natural science courses in ideological and political education classes from the perspectives of integrating elements, borrowing methods, and comparing and applying content. For how to enhance the effectiveness of using knowledge from natural science courses in current university ideological and political education classes, solutions can be found from five aspects: reform of teaching content, reform of teaching methods, reform of evaluation means of teaching effects, reform of teacher evaluation system, and reform of teaching mode and incentive mechanism.
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