International Journal of Education
International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20240073 .
总浏览量: 117
1达州职业技术学院 四川达州
1达州职业技术学院达州职业技术学院 四川达州
2重庆大学土木工程学院 重庆
*通讯作者: 刘睿之,单位:达州职业技术学院 四川达州;
At present, the factors that determine the central and dominant role of vocational education in rural revitalization are not clear, and the existing research lacks an analysis of its efficient practice pathways and mechanisms of action. The article uses a knowledge graph method to summarize and summarize the research literature on vocational education in rural revitalization. By sorting out relevant literature from 2016 to 2024 in this research field, the article visualizes and conducts a comparative analysis of the research output, research hotspots, and evolution trends in this field. By conducting a thorough analysis of the existing literature, the study identifies the core and dominant factors that promote rural revitalization through vocational education, analyzes its efficient practice pathways and mechanisms of action, and provides some reference for the subsequent support direction of vocational education in rural revitalization.
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