International Journal of Clinical Research
International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (9) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240372 .
总浏览量: 913
扬州大学医学院附属盐城市妇幼保健院 江苏盐城
*通讯作者: 韦玉,单位:扬州大学医学院附属盐城市妇幼保健院 江苏盐城;
目的 分析影响临床血液检验标本检验结果准确性的相关因素,并采取进一步的质控改进措施。方法 针对2023年1月-2024年1月在我院进行常规体检者1000例作为研究对象,体检者均通过采集静脉血进行血常规检查,统计血液检查结果不准确发生率,并分析影响血液检验标本检验结果准确性的相关因素。结果 血液检查结果不准确率为50名(5.00%)。经分析,采集时间、保存运输条件、检验仪器精度、试剂质量与有效期、操作人员技能、质量控制流程、标本污染与溶血、患者准备状态等均为影响临床血液检验标本检验结果准确性的相关因素。结论 了解相关的影响因素后,针对性的开展质控改进措施,可以显著降低检验前、检验中、检验后的误差发生率,进而提高血液检验标本的质量,从而确保检验结果的准确性,从而为医生提供更加准确可靠的参考数据,促进疾病的精准诊断和治疗。
Objective To analyze the relevant factors affecting the accuracy of test results of clinical blood samples, and take further quality control improvement measures. Methods 1000 patients with routine physical examination in our hospital from January 2023 to January 2024 were the research subjects. Through the venous blood collection for routine blood examination, the incidence of inaccurate blood test results was counted, and the related factors affecting the accuracy of blood test samples were analyzed. Results The blood test results was 50 (5.00%). After analysis, collection time, storage and transportation conditions, accuracy of test instruments, quality and shelf life of reagents, operator skills, quality control process, specimen contamination and hemolysis, and patient preparation status were all related factors affecting the accuracy of test results of clinical blood test samples. Conclusion Understand the relevant factors, targeted to carry out quality control improvement measures, can significantly reduce the test before, test, test after the error rate, and improve the quality of blood test specimens, to ensure the accuracy of the test results, to provide doctors with more accurate and reliable reference data, promote the accurate diagnosis and treatment of disease.
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