Contemporary Nursing
Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (10) ; 10.12208/ .
总浏览量: 365
贵州中医药大学第二附属医院 贵州贵阳
*通讯作者: 何磊,单位:贵州中医药大学第二附属医院 贵州贵阳;
目的 分析激励性护理联合共情护理对肺癌化疗患者自我感受负担的影响。方法 将我院于2023.03月-2024.03月收治的76例肺癌化疗患者作为研究对象,通过随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组,每组各38例。对照组应用常规护理,观察组应用激励性护理联合共情护理,对比两组负面情绪评分、自我感受负担评分、护理依从性。结果 观察组抑郁评分(SDS)、焦虑评分(SAS)显著低于对照组,组间对比明显(P<0.05);两组经济负担评分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。但观察组情感负担、照护负担评分及总分显著低于对照组,组间对比明显(P<0.05);观察组护理依从性显著高于对照组,组间对比明显(P<0.05)。结论 激励性护理联合共情护理可有效减轻肺癌化疗患者负面情绪,并降低其自我感受负担,从而提升其护理依从性。
Objective To analyze the impact of motivational nursing combined with empathetic nursing on the self perceived burden of lung cancer chemotherapy patients. Methods 76 lung cancer chemotherapy patients admitted to our hospital from March 2023 to March 2024 were selected as the study subjects. They were randomly divided into a control group and an observation group using a random number table method, with 38 cases in each group. The control group received routine care, while the observation group received a combination of motivational care and empathetic care. The negative emotion score, self perceived burden score, and nursing compliance were compared between the two groups. Results The depression score (SDS) and anxiety score (SAS) of the observation group were significantly lower than those of the control group, and the inter group comparison was significant (P<0.05); There was no statistically significant difference in economic burden scores between the two groups (P>0.05). However, the emotional burden, caregiving burden scores, and total score of the observation group were significantly lower than those of the control group, and the inter group comparison was significant (P<0.05); The nursing compliance of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group, and the inter group comparison was significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The combination of motivational care and empathetic care can effectively alleviate negative emotions in lung cancer chemotherapy patients, reduce their self perceived burden, and thus improve their nursing compliance.
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