International Journal of Clinical Research
International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (9) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240353 .
总浏览量: 264
三明市第二医院(三明市永安总医院) 福建永安
*通讯作者: 刘诗富,单位:三明市第二医院(三明市永安总医院) 福建永安;
目的 探讨“3+2” 助理全科医师培训中施行“导师制”的可行性;方法 我院“3+2”助理全科医师培训学员2020级16人,2021级14人,总共30人。按照相关规定制定的导师遴选条件及方法,选出 20 名导师,在学习的第二年,通过双向选择,确定师生关系,直至学员培训结束。 对所有“3+2”助理全科医师培训学开展关于“导师制”的问卷调查。对学员的执业助理医师考试和培训结业考试成绩进行统计分析。结果 对于教学基地实施“导师制”的效果的评价,100%的学员都认为有意义,并给予正面评价;有15.6% 的学员认为执行导师制效果非常好,有58.8% 的学员认为效果比较好,5.7%的学员认为一般。两届学员结业理论考试和结业考试以及执业医师考试的通过率和2018级和2019级进行统计分析,三个考试的通过率暂时无显著差异。结论 在“3+2”助理全科医师培训中施行导师制,有利于更好的教学,但需要进一步完善相关制定,并在促进其结业考试等方面,需要有更进一步的具体措施。
Objective: To explore the feasibility of implementing the "mentor system" in the training of "3+2" assistant general practitioners. Methods: There were 16 trainees in the 2020 class and 14 students in the 2021 class of the "3+2" assistant general practitioner training in our hospital, a total of 30 people. In accordance with the conditions and methods for the selection of tutors formulated in accordance with the relevant regulations, 20 tutors will be selected, and in the second year of study, the teacher-student relationship will be determined through two-way selection until the end of the trainee training. A questionnaire survey on the "mentorship" was conducted for all "3+2" assistant general practitioner trainees. Statistical analysis was carried out on the results of the trainees' licensed assistant physician examination and training completion examination. Results: 100% of the students thought that the effect of the "tutor system" in the teaching base was meaningful and gave positive evaluations. 15.6% of the participants thought that the effect of the mentorship system was very good, 58.8% of the participants thought that the effect was relatively good, and 5.7% of the participants thought that it was average. The pass rates of the two batches of students in the theoretical examination, the final examination and the medical practitioner examination were statistically analyzed and the 2018 and 2019 grades, and there was no significant difference in the pass rates of the three exams for the time being. Conclusion : The implementation of the tutor system in the training of "3+2" assistant general practitioners is conducive to better teaching, but it is necessary to further improve the relevant formulation, and further specific measures are needed to promote the final examination.
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