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Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation

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Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation. 2024; 3: (2) ; 10.12208/j.jeea.20240013 .

Application of the ultra-high power high-voltage inverter low voltage ride-through function in large oil and gas stations

作者: 杨俊琦1 *, 蒋洪1, 张乃鑫2, 梁友2, 程会武2, 闫二轮2, 艾合散·买买提2

1 西南石油大学 四川成都

2 新疆巴州塔里木能源有限责任公司 新疆巴州

*通讯作者: 杨俊琦,单位: 西南石油大学 四川成都;

引用本文: 杨俊琦, 蒋洪, 张乃鑫, 梁友, 程会武, 闫二轮, 艾合散·买买提 超大功率高压变频器低电压穿越功能在大型油气场站的应用[J]. 电气工程与自动化, 2024; 3: (2) : 1-4.
Published: 2024/11/25 11:14:31



关键词: 乙烷回收装置;天然气压缩机;高压变频器;低电压穿越


This paper introduces the successful application case of high-voltage inverter of natural gas compressor in the largest single set of ethane recovery unit in China, and describes in detail the principle and latest technology of low-voltage ride-through of high-voltage inverter. Through on-site practical testing and use, the continuous operation of the natural gas compressor was successfully ensured during multiple grid fluctuations, and unplanned shutdown of the unit was avoided.

Key words: Ethane recovery device; Natural gas compressors; High-voltage inverters; Low voltage ride-through

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