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Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20240026 .

Research on problems and countermeasures of English translation of China intangible cultural heritage

作者: 邓晶晶, 张宸, 严娜娜, 陈逸婷 *

湖北汽车工业学院外国语学院 湖北十堰

*通讯作者: 陈逸婷,单位:湖北汽车工业学院外国语学院 湖北十堰;

引用本文: 邓晶晶, 张宸, 严娜娜, 陈逸婷 中国非遗介绍性文本英译的问题与对策研究[J]. 现代社会科学研究, 2024; 4: (2) : 68-72.
Published: 2024/9/26 17:29:24



关键词: 中国非遗;英译;传播


Intangible cultural heritage (ICH) is an important part of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, a vivid testimony to the continuous inheritance of Chinese civilization, and an important foundation for linking national emotions and maintaining national unity. The quality of English translation of intangible cultural heritage affects its overseas dissemination. Based on an analysis of the current situation and problems of English translation of China Intangible Cultural Heritage, this paper discusses the countermeasures of English translation of China Intangible Cultural Heritage from two aspects, namely, optimizing the strategies of English translation of non-legacy (direct translation/direct translation plus transliteration, transliteration plus category words, transliteration plus explanations, augmentation and subtraction) and attaching importance to the communication effect of English translation of China Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Key words: China intangible cultural heritage; English translation; Communication

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