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Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine

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Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (9) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240451 .

The causes of adverse events in hemodialysis room nursing and the value of nursing intervention

作者: 谭利霞 *

河池市中医医院 广西河池

*通讯作者: 谭利霞,单位:河池市中医医院 广西河池;

引用本文: 谭利霞 血液透析室护理不良事件原因及护理干预的价值[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2024; 3: (9) : 99-102.
Published: 2024/9/30 17:54:16


目的 分析讨论血液透析室护理不良事件原因及护理干预的价值。方法 选择我院2022年1月-2023年12月所接收的40例血液透析患者为观察对象,对血液透析室护理不良事件进行统计,发现血液透析室护理不良事件原因中首位为护理人员责任心较低,然后为患者自我意识不足、健康教育不足等,制定对应的护理干预。结果 护理干预后护理质量[操作技能(8.94±0.73),服务态度(8.78±0.65),责任心(8.95±0.71),应急能力(9.03±0.95)]高于护理前,生活质量高于护理干预前,患者自护能力比护理干预前好(P<0.05)。结论 血液透析室中护理不良事件发生风险高,容易对患者治疗造成影响,需要实施护理干预,以此提高护理质量。

关键词: 血液透析室;护理不良事件;原因;护理干预


Objective To analyze and discuss the causes of nursing adverse events in hemodialysis room and the value of nursing intervention.
Methods 40 cases of hemodialysis patients received in our hospital from January 2022 to December 2023 were selected as the observation objects, and the adverse events of hemodialysis room nursing were statistically analyzed. It was found that the first cause of adverse events in hemodialysis room nursing was the low sense of responsibility of nursing staff, and then the corresponding nursing intervention was developed for the lack of self-awareness and health education of patients.
Results After nursing intervention, the nursing quality [operation skill (8.94±0.73), service attitude (8.78±0.65), responsibility (8.95±0.71), emergency ability (9.03±0.95)] was higher than that before nursing intervention, the quality of life was higher than that before nursing intervention, and the patients' self-care ability was better than that before nursing intervention (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The risk of nursing adverse events in hemodialysis room is high, which is easy to affect the treatment of patients. Nursing intervention is needed to improve the quality of nursing.

Key words: Hemodialysis room; Nursing adverse events; The reason; Nursing intervention

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