International Research in Chinese Medicine
International Research in Chinese Medicine. 2024; 4: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ircm.20240052 .
总浏览量: 291
重庆市中医骨科医院 重庆
*通讯作者: 郭亮,单位:重庆市中医骨科医院 重庆;
目的 分析中医药外治在治疗筋伤病的组方规律。方法 对于《筋 伤病中医外治法》中的完整处方进行统计,对这些处方进行筛选并建立数据库,通过中医传承辅助平台软件对其中用药的规律进行挖掘。结果 通过筛查治疗筋伤病的方剂有402首,中药的种类为297种,对于使用频次最高的中药分别为红花、乳香、没药、当归、川芎;而组合频次最高的五种药物分别为没药-乳香、红化-没药、红花-乳香、红花-没药-乳香、红花-当归,分析组合当中频率最高的组合为没药-乳药,在总方剂中可以占到42.00%,核心组合的数量为22个,新的处方为11首。结论 依据中医传承辅助平台《筋伤病中医外治法》数据库进行筛查,外用治疗筋伤病的方剂组方进行分析,新的组方可以起到有效的活血化瘀、消肿止痛,同时具有续筋接骨的效果,有利于为临床治疗提供依据。
Objective To analyze the rules of the formulation of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of tendon injury. Methods The complete prescriptions in "TCM External Treatment of Tendon Injury and Injury" were counted, the prescriptions were screened and the database was established, and the rules of medication were mined through the TCM inheritance auxiliary platform software. Results There were 402 prescriptions for the treatment of tendon injury, 297 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines were screened. The most frequently used Chinese medicines were safflower, frankincense, myrrh, Angelica and Chuanxiong. The five drugs with the highest frequency of combination were myrrh - frankincense, red - Myrrh, safflower - Frankincense, safflower - Myrrh - Frankincense, safflower - Angelica. The combination with the highest frequency of analysis was myrrh - milk medicine, accounting for 42.00% of the total prescriptions, with 22 core combinations and 11 new prescriptions. Conclusion According to the database of TCM External Treatment of tendons and Injuries, the new prescription can effectively promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, reduce swelling and relieve pain, and have the effect of reinforcing tendons and bone, which is conducive to providing a basis for clinical treatment.
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