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Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20240019 .

An overview of the differences between the song dynasty's Guan vouchers, Yi vouchers, Cang vouchers: a case study of the establishments of Guan, Yi, Cang in southeastern Chinese song dynasty

作者: 邹孟作 *

四川传媒学院 四川成都

*通讯作者: 邹孟作,单位:四川传媒学院 四川成都;

引用本文: 邹孟作 宋代馆券、驿券、仓券区别略论——以东南地区馆、驿、仓设置为例[J]. 现代社会科学研究, 2024; 4: (2) : 28-32.
Published: 2024/9/25 17:42:12



关键词: 给券;馆券;驿券;仓券


In the Song Dynasty, “Giving- vouchers”(给券) was a component of officials’ salaries and also served as meal and lodging subsidies for officials on business trips. The Song government primarily categorized the “Giving-vouchers” into three main types: Guan Vouchers(馆券), Yi Vouchers(驿券), Cang Vouchers(仓券). The three types of vouchers, ranked in order of hierarchy from highest to lowest are Guan Vouchers, Yi Vouchers, and Cang Vouchers. The classification of these voucher types by the Song government was primarily based on the geographical locations of the establishments where they were used. Guan(馆) were predominantly located in prefecture cities, Yi(驿)were mainly situated in county towns, and Cang(仓)were established in both prefecture cities, counties, and forts.

Key words: Giving- vouchers; Guan Vouchers; Yi Vouchers; Cang Vouchers

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