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Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20240016 .

How to cultivate foreign-related legal talents to recognize the dynamic changes of the diverse values protected by the law under common law in precedent application judicial cases——Taking Pierson v. Post and Ghen v. Rich as examples
如何培养涉外法治人才认知普通法下法律所保护的多元价值在先例适用司法案件中的动态变化——以Pierson v. Post和Ghen v. Rich为例

作者: 蒋天一 *

上海政法学院 上海

*通讯作者: 蒋天一,单位:上海政法学院 上海;

引用本文: 蒋天一 如何培养涉外法治人才认知普通法下法律所保护的多元价值在先例适用司法案件中的动态变化——以Pierson v. Post和Ghen v. Rich为例[J]. 现代社会科学研究, 2024; 4: (2) : 13-16.
Published: 2024/9/25 17:23:38


加强涉外法治人才培养是加强涉外法治建设的关键。应以实践为导向,加大对于国别法和法律实务的学习。英美案例法特征在于先例规则不能脱离事实而存在,实践中争议焦点往往在于判断当下争议案件事实与先例事实的异同。在司法实践中,争议各方都在提供对各自有利版本的事实,本文提出应从法律所保护的价值角度去培养这种认知与建构事实的能力。并通过普通法经典案件Pierson v. Post 和 Ghen v. Rich进行举例说明。

关键词: 英美法;案例法;涉外法治人才


Strengthening the cultivation of foreign-related legal talents is the key to enhancing the development of foreign-related rule of law. The methodology of teaching foreign-related laws should be guided by laws of different nations and relevant practices. The common law is characterized in that rulings in precedents are inherently intertwined with the facts, and in practice, the focus of controversy often lies in determining the similarities and differences between the facts of the current disputed case and that of the precedents. In judicial practice, all parties in dispute are arguing for their own favorable statements of facts. This article proposes that the ability to identify and construct statement of facts should be cultivated from the perspective of the values protected by the law, drawing on examples from classic common law cases Pierson v. Post and Ghen v. Rich.

Key words: English, American, and French; Case study method; Foreign legal talents

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