Contemporary Nursing
Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (9) ; 10.12208/ .
总浏览量: 320
柳州市工人医院 广西柳州
*通讯作者: 高妙,单位:柳州市工人医院 广西柳州;
目的 分析经颈椎后路椎间孔镜下治疗颈椎间盘突出术后护理的影响效果。方法:选择纳入2019年2月至2022年8月在我科住院并接受手术治疗的单节段神经根型颈椎病27例,按患者病情及意愿分为观察组(O臂辅助下颈椎后路椎间孔镜)13例和对照组(颈椎前路减压融合内固定)14例,观察并比较各组患者的围手术期参数、影像学和临床疗效、护理难度等指标。结果:观察组手术时间更长、出血量较对照组更多。在颈椎生理曲度改善、随访VAS评分以及NDI评分,两组术后均有所改善,两组组间差异无显著性意义。在护理难度方面,对照组均留置有引流管、术后下床时间为术后第一日,护理工作量更多;而观察组术后均无引流管、术后当日麻醉清醒后均可下床活动,护理工作量更少。结论:在对颈椎间盘突出患者实施临床治疗时,通过经颈椎后路椎间孔镜下治疗和颈椎前路减压融合内固定治疗均可取得良好效果,但通过经颈椎后路椎间孔镜下治疗可显著降低患者在术后护理的难度,促进患者康复,有较高应用价值。
Objective To analyze the impact of postoperative nursing on the treatment of cervical disc herniation through posterior cervical foramen endoscopy. Methods A total of 27 patients with single segment cervical spondylotic radiculopathy who were admitted to our department and underwent surgical treatment from February 2019 to August 2022 were selected. They were divided into an observation group (13 cases) and a control group (14 cases) based on their condition and willingness. The perioperative parameters, imaging and clinical efficacy, and nursing difficulty of each group of patients were observed and compared. Results The observation group had longer surgical time and more bleeding compared to the control group. In terms of improvement in cervical physiological curvature, follow-up VAS score, and NDI score, both groups showed improvement after surgery, and there was no significant difference between the two groups. In terms of nursing difficulty, the control group had drainage tubes left and the postoperative time of getting out of bed was the first day after surgery, resulting in more nursing workload; However, the observation group had no drainage tubes after surgery, and they were able to get out of bed and move around on the same day after anesthesia, resulting in less nursing workload. Conclusion In the clinical treatment of patients with cervical disc herniation, good results can be achieved through posterior cervical foramen endoscopic treatment and anterior cervical decompression fusion internal fixation treatment. However, posterior cervical foramen endoscopic treatment can significantly reduce the difficulty of postoperative care for patients, promote patient recovery, and have high application value.
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