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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (8) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240210 .

Application of problem-based teaching method in clinical nursing teaching of cardiology

作者: 万丽 *, 左叶飞

遵义医科大学附属医院 贵州遵义

*通讯作者: 万丽,单位:遵义医科大学附属医院 贵州遵义;

引用本文: 万丽, 左叶飞 以问题为基础教学法在心内科临床护理带教中的应用[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2024; 6: (8) : 37-39.
Published: 2024/8/21 7:50:58


目的 分析心内科临床护理带教中以问题为基础教学法的具体应用。方法 采用2022年3月-2023年3月在我院实习的心内科临床护士80名,根据实习时间分为对照组39例,观察组41例,分别实行常规教学法、以问题为基础教学法,对两组带教成绩、护理综合能力、满意度进行评估。结果 与对照组相较,观察组带教成绩(理论知识、临床操作、总成绩)更高,护理综合能力评分(团队合作能力、自主学习能力、表达与沟通能力、知识信息获取及利用能力、问题分析与临床推理能力)更高,满意度更高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 心内科临床护理带教中以问题为基础教学法的具体应用效果较佳,可改善带教成绩,提高护理综合能力,提高带教满意度。

关键词: 以问题为基础教学法;心内科;护理带教


Objective To analyze the specific application of problem-based teaching method in clinical nursing teaching in cardiology. Method 80 clinical nurses in the cardiology department who interned in our hospital from March 2022 to March 2023 were divided into a control group of 39 cases and an observation group of 41 cases based on their internship time. Conventional teaching method and problem-based teaching method were respectively implemented to evaluate the teaching performance, nursing comprehensive ability, and satisfaction of the two groups. Result Compared with the control group, the observation group had higher teaching scores (theoretical knowledge, clinical operation, overall score), higher nursing comprehensive ability scores (teamwork ability, self-learning ability, expression and communication ability, knowledge information acquisition and utilization ability, problem analysis and clinical reasoning ability), and higher satisfaction. The differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The specific application effect of problem-based teaching method in clinical nursing teaching in cardiology is better, which can improve teaching performance, enhance nursing comprehensive ability, and increase teaching satisfaction.

Key words: Problem-based teaching method; Internal Medicine-Cardiovascular Department; Nursing mentoring

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