Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (8) ; 10.12208/j.jacn.20240343 .
总浏览量: 286
喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什
*通讯作者: 李晓蒙,单位:喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什;
目的 评价踝关节骨折术后护理中目标激励式康复护理的干预效果。方法 筛选400例调研对象,均为踝关节骨折手术患者,依据盲抽颜色球法分为200例基础组(常规康复护理干预)和200例实验组(目标激励式康复护理干预),比较临床护理效果,研究起止时间2021年07月至2023年07月。结果 实验组患者护理后自我效能感评分高于基础组(P均=0.000,t=6.454、5.402、6.093、6.437、6.363);实验组术后不同时间节点VAS评分均低于基础组(P均=0.000,t=15.741、17.112、13.867);实验组护理后踝关节活动度改善效果优于基础组(P均=0.000,t=42.140、21.768、35.117、9.476);实验组生活质量明显优于基础组(P均=0.000,t=41.597、16.044、15.143、15.074、13.506、10.433、22.514、15.510)。结论 实施目标激励式康复护理对促进踝关节骨折手术患者自我效能感提升、改善患者躯体疼痛程度及踝关节活动度,以及提高患者术后生活品质有积极意义。
Objective To evaluate the intervention effect of targeted incentive rehabilitation nursing in postoperative nursing of ankle fracture. Methods 400 subjects, all patients undergoing ankle fracture surgery, were selected and divided into 200 patients in basic group (routine rehabilitation nursing intervention) and 200 patients in experimental group (targeted incentive rehabilitation nursing intervention) according to blind color drawing method, and the clinical nursing effect was compared. The study started and ended from July 2021 to July 2023. Results The self-efficacy scores of the experimental group were higher than those of the basic group (P =0.000, t=6.454, 5.402, 6.093, 6.437, 6.363). The VAS scores of the experimental group were lower than those of the basic group at different time after operation (P =0.000, t=15.741, 17.112, 13.867). The improvement of ankle motion in the experimental group was better than that in the basic group (P =0.000, t=42.140, 21.768, 35.117, 9.476). The quality of life of experimental group was significantly better than that of basic group (P =0.000, t=41.597, 16.044, 15.143, 15.074, 13.506, 10.433, 22.514, 15.510). Conclusion The implementation of target incentive rehabilitation nursing has positive significance in promoting self-efficacy, improving the degree of physical pain and ankle motion, and improving the postoperative quality of life of patients with ankle fracture surgery.
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