International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (8) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240208 .
总浏览量: 331
广州医科大学附属妇女儿童医疗中心 广东广州
*通讯作者: 丘素芬,单位:广州医科大学附属妇女儿童医疗中心 广东广州;
目的 为满足孕产妇个性化护理服务需要,建立并实施一体化产房,观察一体化产房模式在产科护理中的实践效果。方法 制订一体化产房护理模式,包括一体化产房及设备的设置,人员配备及岗位管理,一体化服务流程及待产、分娩和产后康复管理。观察实施一体化产房管模式前后初产妇分娩结局指标、母乳喂养率、产妇满意度。结果 实施一体化产房管模式后,初产妇分娩结局的各项指标、母乳喂养情况及住院满意度等与普通产房比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 一体化产房模式能缩短产妇产程时间,降低阴道助产率、剖宫产率,减少产后出血的发生,提高住院产妇母乳喂养率和自然分娩率,进一步提高病人满意度以及分娩体验感,提升了助产士的社会地位和作为临床护理专家的信心,得到了医生和产妇的认可。
Objective To meet the needs of personalized nursing services for pregnant women, the LDR Room was established and implemented, aiming to observe the practical effect of the LDR Room model in obstetric nursing. Methods An LDR Room nursing model was developed, including the setup of the LDR Room and its equipment, staffing and job management, integrated service processes, and management of prenatal care, childbirth, and postpartum recovery. The maternal delivery outcome indicators, breastfeeding rates, and maternal satisfaction were observed before and after implementing the LDR Room management model. Results After implementing the LDR Room management model, there were statistically significant differences in the maternal delivery outcome indicators, breastfeeding status, and hospital stay satisfaction of primiparas compared to those in conventional delivery rooms (P < 0.05). Conclusion The LDR Room model can shorten the birth time of parturient women, reduce the vaginal birth-aid rate and cesarean section rate, decrease postpartum hemorrhage, improve the breastfeeding rate and natural childbirth rate of hospitalized parturient women, further improve patient satisfaction and childbirth experience, enhance the social status of midwives and their confidence as clinical nursing experts, and gain the recognition of doctors and parturient women.
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