Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (8) ; 10.12208/j.jacn.20240339 .
总浏览量: 166
河池市中医医院 广西河池
*通讯作者: 蒙柳燕,单位:河池市中医医院 广西河池;
目的 分析中医集束化护理+穴位敷贴在慢性心衰中作用。方法 时间为2023年2月-2024年2月。研究对象为慢性心衰者。例数为35例。随机分组,分为两个小组,一个小组为对照组,一个小组为观察组。对照组采取中医集束化护理:①建立中医集束化护理小组。②辩证护理。③饮食护理。④情志干预,(1)音乐疗法,(2)深呼吸放松法,(3)引导患者多表达、充分宣泄自身不良情绪。⑤健康宣导,(1)发放健康手册,(2)开展讲座,(3)面对面讲解;观察组在对照组基础上加入穴位敷贴。对比两组实施效果。结果 实施后,心功能指标方面,观察组明显优于对照组;心理弹性评分方面,观察组优于对照组;生活质量方面,观察组更高;护理满意度上,观察组也更高(P<0.05)。结论 中医集束化护理联合穴位敷贴对慢性心衰的影响较明显,值得推广采纳。
Objective To analyze the effect of TCM bundle nursing + acupoint application in chronic heart failure. Methods The time is 2023.2-2024.2. The subjects of the study were patients with chronic heart failure. The number of cases was 35. They were randomly divided into two groups, one group as the control group and one group as the observation group. The control group was treated with TCM cluster nursing ((1) a TCM cluster nursing group was established. (2) Dialectical nursing. (3) Dietary care. (4) emotional intervention, (1) music therapy, (2) deep breathing and relaxation, and (3) guiding patients to express and fully vent their bad emotions. (5) Health promotion, (1) distribution of health manuals, (2) lectures, (3) face-to-face explanations;In the observation group, acupuncture point compresses were added on the basis of the control group. Compare the implementation effects of the two groups. Results After the implementation, the observation group was significantly better than the control group in terms of cardiac function indicators. In terms of resilience score, the observation group was better than the control group. In terms of quality of life, the observation group was higher; In terms of nursing satisfaction, the observation group was also higher (P<0.05). Conclusion The effect of TCM bundle nursing combined with acupoint application on chronic heart failure is obvious, which is worthy of promotion and adoption.
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