International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2024; 6: (9) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20240255 .
总浏览量: 301
北京大学国际医院呼吸与危重症医学科 北京
*通讯作者: 陈艳艳,单位:北京大学国际医院呼吸与危重症医学科 北京;
目的 调查北京大学国际医院(简称北大国际医院)护士心理弹性及组织支持感现状及两者相关性,为制定行之有效的人性化日常护理管理策略,提高护士工作积极性,提升护士心理健康水平提供依据。方法 采用横断面问卷调查法,对北大国际医院内科327名护士,进行心理弹性和组织支持感水平的测量,分析得分水平及相关性。结果 本组护士心理弹性处于中等水平,总分(63.13±13.73)分;组织支持感处于较高水平,均分(3.29±0.66)分;除乐观性外组织支持感总分及各维度与心理弹性总分及各维度呈正相关(r=0.280~0.431,P<0.05)。结论 北大国际医院护士组织支持感总分及各维度与心理弹性总分、坚韧性、力量性呈正相关,提高组织支持感对提升护士的心理健康、工作质量、患者照护质量具有积极意义,有益于护理人才队伍积极、正向、健康、茁壮发展。
Objective This study investigates the current levels of psychological resilience and perceived organizational support among nurses at Peking University International Hospital(referred to as PKU International Hospital), exploring their correlation. The findings will provide evidence for developing effective humanized daily nursing management strategies, enhancing work enthusiasm, and improving mental health levels. Methods A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted to measure the psychological resilience and organizational support levels of 327 nurses in the medicine department of Peking University International Hospital,and the score levels and correlations were analyzed. Results The mental resilience level of the nurses in this group was moderate, with a total score of (63.13±13.73). The sense of organizational support was relatively high, with an average score of 3.29±0.66. The total score and dimensions of organizational support were positively correlated with the total score and dimensions of psychological resilience, except for optimism (r=0.280~0.431, P<0.05). Conclusion s The total score and dimensions of organizational support for nurses at Peking University International Hospital are positively correlated with the total score, resilience, and strength of psychological resilience improving organizational support has a positive impact nurses’ mental health, work quality, and patient care quality, and is beneficial for the positive, positive, healthy and robust development of the nursing talent team.
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