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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2024; 6: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20240035 .

Research on the creation and application of natural materials in outdoor autonomous game environment of kindergartens

作者: 李纱 *

北京市第五幼儿园 北京

*通讯作者: 李纱,单位:北京市第五幼儿园 北京;

引用本文: 李纱 自然材料在幼儿园户外自主游戏环境中的创设与应用研究[J]. 国际教育学, 2024; 6: (2) : 74-77.
Published: 2024/6/29 6:41:53



关键词: 自然材料;幼儿园;户外自主游戏;创设与应用


Outdoor self-directed games, as an important component of early childhood education, can promote the improvement of children's physical fitness and play an irreplaceable role in developing their social skills, exploratory spirit, creativity, and other aspects. Natural materials such as wooden blocks, stones, sand, water, plants, etc., due to their primitive, highly malleable, and exploratory nature, have gradually become the preferred elements for creating outdoor play environments in kindergartens. They can not only create a game space that is close to nature and full of wildness, but also stimulate children's sensory experience and imagination, promote intimate contact between children and the natural world, and cultivate their awareness of respecting nature and caring for the environment. The aim of this study is to explore in depth the strategies and practices of creating and applying natural materials in outdoor autonomous play environments in kindergartens, promoting children's comprehensive development, returning education to nature, and making childhood full of fun and exploration.

Key words: Natural materials; Kindergarten; Outdoor independent games; Creation and application

参考文献 References

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