Modern Social Science Research
Modern Social Science Research. 2024; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ssr.20240004 .
总浏览量: 319
上海大学 上海
*通讯作者: 郑佩琪,单位:上海大学 上海;
The construction and quantitative analysis of the characters’ relationship network in literary works is an important element in the digital interpretation of literary works. Based on digital humanities theory and methods, this paper explores the character relationships in Buried Child, forming a visual map that can present the core characters and power relationships in the play, and presenting the unstructured dramatic text with a clearer and more intuitive social network map. Combined with the text analysis, it is verified that Shepherd uses complex character relationships to write about the family scandals of American families, revealing the spiritual wasteland that American society intends to bury through the alienation of human beings under the sick family.
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