Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (7) ; 10.12208/j.jacn.20240261 .
总浏览量: 289
中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院 云南昆明
*通讯作者: 邓菲菲,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院 云南昆明;
目的 分析门诊护理管理中应用优质护理服务模式对患者焦虑心理和满意度的影响。方法 患者均从本院门诊中抽取,开展时间为2023年4月,结束时间为2024年4月,从中选取50例资料完整的患者,并采用“双盲选”法进行分组,两个小组各获得25例,一组是参照组使用常规护理,另一组是研究组使用优质护理服务模式,记录结果并比较。结果 护理前两组患者的焦虑评分比较,无明显的差异,不具有统计学意义(P>0.05),护理后两组均有改善优于护理前,其中研究组的优势高于参照组(P<0.05)。统计护理满意度后发现,研究组的总满意度高于参照组,差异显著有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 使用优质服务模式进行门诊护理管理工作,可改善患者的焦虑状态,提高护理整体满意度。
Objective To analyze the effect of applying a high-quality nursing service model in outpatient nursing management on patients' anxiety and satisfaction. Methods All patients were selected from the outpatient department of our hospital, starting from April 2023 and ending from April 2024. 50 patients with complete data were selected and divided into two groups by "double blind selection" method. 25 patients were obtained in each group, one was the reference group using conventional nursing, the other was the research group using high-quality nursing service mode, and the results were recorded and compared. Results There was no significant difference in anxiety scores between the two groups before nursing (P > 0.05), and the improvement of the two groups after nursing was better than that before nursing, and the advantage of the study group was higher than that of the reference group (P < 0.05). After statistical nursing satisfaction, it was found that the total satisfaction of the study group was higher than that of the reference group, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The use of quality service model in outpatient nursing management can improve the anxiety state of patients and improve the overall satisfaction of nursing.
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