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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (7) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240249 .

Analysis and countermeasures of formalism and bureaucracy in the field of medicine and health -- based on 82 cases of disciplinary violations in the field of medicine and health

作者: 顾晓芬, 姬文刚, 王召利 *

新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院 新疆乌鲁木齐

*通讯作者: 王召利,单位:新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院 新疆乌鲁木齐;

引用本文: 顾晓芬, 姬文刚, 王召利 医药卫生领域形式主义、官僚主义问题分析及对策研究——基于82起医药卫生领域违纪违规案例[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (7) : 38-40.
Published: 2024/7/26 15:21:58



关键词: 医药卫生领域;形式主义;官僚主义


Correcting the problem of formalism and bureaucracy is the key task of our Party in the construction of style of work. The field of medicine and health is related to the health and life safety of the people, and formalism and bureaucracy exist in different forms and degrees. Through the analysis of 82 typical problems in the medical and health field notified by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the websites of provincial and municipal commissions for discipline inspection, the analysis of their performance, characteristics and internal root causes is carried out, and precise rectification countermeasures are planned to provide disciplinary guarantee for promoting high-quality development in the pharmaceutical field.

Key words: Medical and health field; Formalism; Bureaucracy

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