Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2024; 3: (6) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.20240254 .
总浏览量: 189
中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九四三医院 甘肃武威
*通讯作者: 陈秀珍,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九四三医院 甘肃武威;
目的 深入细致的分析和探讨护理风险管理在心血管呼吸内科护理中的应用效果,期待能够将所研究理论应用至实践中去,为临床提供有价值参考意见,更好的为患者生命健康保健护航。方法 实验展开形式为对照模式,研讨期限定于2022年12月至2023年12月间,样本出自本院接收的心血管呼吸内科疾病患者中,人数共90例,采用“平行序贯法”进行组间安排,A组划入人数45例,实行常规护理干预策略;B组划入人数45例,开展护理风险管理服务方案,最终对相关数据展开收集整理,对临床资料进行统计分析,比对后做全情阐述,具体比对范围包括:护患纠纷发生率、风险发生率、患者满意度,采用t检测(正态计量数据);采用χ2检验(计数资料);计算均数以( )代替。结果 研究结束后,统计学评估后可知,B组采纳方案更具优异性、可实施性,患者在上述各项指标数值的体现上均显优另一组,P值达小于0.05标准,具备可比性,值得探讨。结论 在本次研究中,通过在两组之间开展不同形式干预策略后得出,相比常规护理服务的固化性、随意性,护理风险管理服务的融入,可有效保障心血管呼吸内科患者生命健康,对临床影响意义巨大,不仅能有效降低护理风险发生几率,减轻患者身心痛苦,还可极大增进护患关系和谐,提升护理满意度,值得引用与推崇。
Objective To analyze and explore the application effect of nursing risk management in cardiovascular and respiratory medicine nursing, and expect to apply the studied theory to practice, provide valuable reference opinions for clinical practice, and better escort the life and health care of patients. Methods The experimental was is in control mode, The seminar is scheduled between December 2022 and December 2023, Samples were obtained from patients with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases received by our hospital, A total number of 90 cases, Using "parallel sequential method", 45 patients, Implement the routine care intervention strategy; 45 patients, Develop the nursing risk management service plan, Finally, the relevant data was collected and collated, The statistical analysis of the clinical data, After the comparison, make a complete statement, The specific scope of comparison includes: the incidence of nurse-patient disputes, risk incidence, patient satisfaction, Using t detection (normal measurement data); Use χ2 test (count data); The calculated mean is replaced by ( ). Results After the end of the study, after statistical evaluation, the adopted program in group B was more excellent and feasible, and the patients were better in the other group, with the P value was less than 0.05, which was comparable and worth discussing. Conclusion in this study, through between the two groups in different forms of intervention strategy, compared with the regular nursing service curing, randomness, nursing risk management services, can effectively guarantee cardiovascular respiratory medicine patients with life health, clinical significance, not only can effectively reduce nursing risk, reduce patients with physical and mental pain, also can greatly enhance the harmonious relationship between nurses and patients, improve nursing satisfaction, worthy of reference and praise.
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