International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2024; 8: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20240015 .
总浏览量: 417
华北理工大学临床医学院 河北唐山
*通讯作者: 纪家琪,单位:华北理工大学临床医学院 河北唐山;
With the continuous development of information technology, the new educational technology and teaching model are becoming more and more perfect. Among them, the virtual simulation teaching platform, as a leading teaching means, creates a multi-sensory "learning experience environment" with the help of computer and simulation technology. In this environment, medical students can learn clinical diagnosis operation, so as to exercise clinical diagnosis thinking. As a basic clinical course in medical majors, diagnostics is also a "bridge" connecting basic courses and clinical courses, which covers many core medical knowledge and skills, such as visual touch and auditory examination, electrocardiogram test and four puncture techniques. However, the traditional diagnostic experiment teaching method has some shortcomings in meeting the needs of students for clinical operation and practical experience. The disconnection between the update of teaching content and clinical practice brings some difficulties to teaching, so the virtual simulation diagnosis teaching platform has a wide application prospect and high application value. The author first analyzed the application status of virtual simulation platform in medical education, and found that virtual simulation platform is widely used and developing rapidly in the field of medical education, mainly involving surgery simulation, technical training and clinical case simulation. Then, for the discipline of diagnostics, the advantages and disadvantages of virtual simulation platform are analyzed. Its advantage is to provide a safe learning environment, ensure the repeatability and controllability of the experiment, and simulate the real clinical situation to the greatest extent. The shortcomings are reflected in the technical limitations and cost problems, evaluation and feedback mechanisms are not perfect. Finally, some suggestions for the development of virtual simulation diagnostics teaching platform are put forward.
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