Contemporary Nursing
Contemporary Nursing. 2024; 5: (7) ; 10.12208/ .
总浏览量: 270
华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 湖北武汉
*通讯作者: 胡冬琴,单位:华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 湖北武汉;
目的 分析儿科护士急救能力的规范化培训管理效果。方法 我院于2021年1月实施儿科护士急救能力规范化培训,统计对比所有护士培训前后的急救能力与岗位胜任力,并统计分析护士对培训方式的教学满意度。结果 培训后,所有责任护士的理论知识、实际操作、临床表现等急救能力评价及岗位胜任力评价均显著高于培训前(P<0.05),且据统计,所有责任护士对培训方法非常满意者15例、满意者7例、不满意者1例,总满意率为95.65%(22/23)。结论 儿科护士开展规范化急救培训管理,可有效提升儿科护士的专业能力与岗位胜任力,并提高责任护士对培训方式的满意度,以此积极配合。
Objective To analyze the effectiveness of standardized training management for pediatric nurses in emergency response. Methods In January 2021, our hospital implemented standardized training for pediatric nurses on their first aid abilities. We compared the first aid abilities and job competencies of all nurses before and after the training, and analyzed their satisfaction with the training methods. Results After training, the theoretical knowledge, practical operation, clinical performance, and job competency evaluation of all responsible nurses were significantly higher than before training (P<0.05). According to statistics, there were 15 highly satisfied, 7 satisfied, and 1 dissatisfied with the training method among all responsible nurses, with a total satisfaction rate of 95.65% (22/23). Conclusion Standardized emergency training management for pediatric nurses can effectively enhance their professional and job competence, and increase the satisfaction of responsible nurses with the training methods, thus actively cooperating.
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