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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2024; 8: (6) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20240201 .

Analysis of the current situation of awareness and participation of obstetrics and gynecology medical staff incontraception after induced abortion

作者: 陈继华, 陈浩 *

江苏省如皋市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心 江苏南通

*通讯作者: 陈浩,单位:江苏省如皋市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心 江苏南通;

引用本文: 陈继华, 陈浩 妇产科医务人员对人工流产后避孕的认知及参与现状分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2024; 8: (6) : 30-36.
Published: 2024/6/25 10:13:56


目的 探讨基层妇产科医务人员对人工流产后避孕的认知及参与现状情况。方法 2024年1月利用“问卷星”小程序,对如皋市医疗机构妇产科医生和护士进行问卷调查,内容包括一般情况、对人工流产后避孕服务的认知、参与现状三个部分,应用SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析。结果 共117份妇产科医生和129份护士的调查问卷纳入分析,医务人员中,65.85%掌握人工流产后避孕服务项目要求及服务内容,86.59%支持人工流产术后及时落实避孕措施,82.11%支持无生育计划对象首选高效避孕措施,55.28%支持有生育计划对象选择高效避孕措施,69.11%人工流产术后对服务对象进行针对性宣教,29.67%认为宣教效果明显。单因素分析,t检验结果显示,年龄、岗位、工作年限、职称、婚姻不同,人工流产后避孕服务认知得分有统计学差异(P<0.05),年龄、岗位、工作年限不同,人工流产后避孕服务参与现状得分有统计学差异(P<0.05)。分别以认知分值、参与分值为因变量,多重线性回归分析,岗位回归系数B的t检验差异均有统计学意义(t=-4.540,P<0.05)、(t=-2.319,P<0.05)。说明岗位不同与认知和参与现状均有线性回归关系。比较医生和护士是否了解人流后避孕服务项目、是否支持人工流产及时避孕落实、是否选择高效避孕措施、是否进行避孕宣教、宣教内容、宣教效果、宣教效果不佳对象如何处理,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 本研究结果提示人工流产后避孕宣教效果有提升空间,医生和护士人工流产后避孕宣教能力及宣教效果有显著差异,建议拓展培训内容,创新培训形式,提升培训效果。

关键词: 人工流产后避孕;妇产科医务人员;认知;参与现状;差异


Objective To explore the awareness and participation of grassroots obstetrics and gynecology medical staff in contraception after induced abortion.
Methods In January 2024, a questionnaire survey was conducted among obstetricians and nurses in medical institutions in Rugao City using the "Questionnaire Star" mini program. The survey included three parts: general information, awareness of contraceptive services after induced abortion, and participation status. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 17.0 software.
Results A total of 117 survey questionnaires from obstetricians and gynecology doctors and 129 nurses were included in the analysis. Among medical staff, 65.85% understood the requirements and service content of contraceptive services after induced abortion, 86.59% supported timely implementation of contraceptive measures after induced abortion, 82.11% supported the first choice of high-efficiency contraceptive measures for those without family planning, 55.28% supported those with family planning to choose high-efficiency contraceptive measures, 69.11% provided targeted education to service recipients after induced abortion, and 29.67% believed that the educational effect was significant. Univariate analysis and t-test results showed that there was a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) in the cognitive score of contraceptive services after induced abortion due to differences in age, position, work experience, professional title, and marriage. However, there was a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) in the score of contraceptive service participation status after induced abortion due to differences in age, position, and work experience. Using cognitive score and participation score as dependent variables, multiple linear regression analysis showed that the t-test differences of job regression coefficient B were statistically significant (t=-4.540, P<0.05) and (t=-2.319, P<0.05), indicating a linear regression relationship between job differences and cognitive and participation status. The differences between doctors and nurses were statistically significant (P<0.05) in terms of their understanding of post abortion contraception services, support for timely implementation of induced abortion contraception, selection of efficient contraceptive measures, implementation of contraception education, content and effectiveness of education, and handling of individuals with poor education outcomes.
Conclusion   The results of this study suggest that there is room for improvement in the effectiveness of contraception education after induced abortion. There is a significant difference in the ability and effectiveness of contraception education between doctors and nurses after induced abortion. It is recommended to expand training content, innovate training forms, and improve training effectiveness.

Key words: Contraception after induced abortion; Obstetrics and gynecology medical personnel; Cognition; Participation status; The Difference

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